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О журнале, Редакция, Архив

Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке «День Благодарения».

Столяренко Татьяна Анатольевна


Разработка представляет собой урок-проект, продукт совместного творчества учителя и учащихся. Цели и задачи проекта: развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся, творческих способностей; обучение технологии проектной деятельности; формирование уважения и интереса к истории и культуре страны изучаемого языка; создание условий для «диалога культур»; освоение нового, современного подхода к обучению. Действо яркое, динамичное, благодаря частой смене видов деятельности – монологи чередуются с песнями, диалогами, стихами, театрализованным представлением, играми. Проверить полученные знания предлагается тестом. Компьютерная презентация помогает гостям праздника, не владеющих английским языком, понять происходящее.



Учебные: обучать рецептивным и продуктивным видам речевой деятельности; формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся; организовать самостоятельную поисковую, исследовательскую деятельность; обучение учащихся технологии проектной деятельности

Познавательные: формировать познавательную активность учащихся; расширять эрудированность учащихся, их страноведческий и общий кругозор;

Развивающие: развивать учащихся интеллектуально и морально; развивать воображение, память, внимание; развивать умение работать  с информацией источниками информации;

Воспитательные: повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка; формировать у учащихся уважение и интерес к истории и культуре  страны изучаемого языка; создание условий для «диалога культур».


-освоение новых подходов к образованию: компетентностного, системно-деятельного как основных способов совершенствования качества образования

- воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного

- развивать творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.

Применяемые педагогические технологии:

Технология проектирования – технология творческого, информационного и поискового проекта.

Индивидуальная и групповая работа.

Дифференцированный подход.

Ролевые игры.

Метод рефлексии.

Формы проведения: компьютерная презентация, интерактивная беседа, театрализованное представление, игры, чаепитие.

Оформление: Создана максимально комфортная обстановка. Кабинет украшен праздничными плакатами, открытками, осенними цветами, листьями, веночками. На столе стоят символы и угощения Дня Благодарения.




                                                               Ход мероприятия


Вступительное слово:

1-й ведущий: Good afternoon, dear guests, we are glad to see you at our Thanksgiving party.

2-й ведущий: This holiday is celebrated only in America. But people in every country usually have great celebration in autumn to thank God and nature for a plentiful harvest.

1-й ведущий: Today we shall tell you interesting information about the history of Thanksgiving Day.

Чтецы:                  Do you know the story

Of the first Thanksgiving Day

Founded by our Pilgrim Fathers

In that time so far away?


They had given for religion

Wealth and comfort – yes, and more –

Left their homes and friends and children

For unknown barren shoe.


We shall never know the terrors,

That they faced years ago,

But for all their struggles gave us,

We our gratitude can show.


And the children of New England

If they feast or praise or pray

Should bless God for those brave Pilgrims,

And their first Thanksgiving Day.

2-й ведущий: The 17th century. A wonderful country with thick forests, fat lands, blue rivers and lakes.

This unknown  land attracted Europeans and they travelled there to find a new better life.

Презентация. ( Диалог двух учеников с демонстрацией  презентации).

-          Who were the Pilgrim fathers?

-          Just a group of people, who left England and went to live in America.

-          The story started in 1620. That`s almost 400 years ago.

-          They wanted to be free to practice their religion and they wanted a new and a better life.

-          Did they sail to America on that ship?

-          Yes, the ship was called the “Mayflower”. And it left Plimouth, it`s a port on the South Coast of England. They left Plimouth on 16th September 1620.

-          How many people went?

-          About a hundred, I think.

-          Did they take any animals?

-          Yes, I think so. They took goats, pigs and chickens.

-          How long did they take to cross the Atlantic?

-          A month or two. There were no engines in those ships, only sails and wind. They saw America on the 9th November. That`s almost two months.

-          And they lived for two months in these little ships!

-          Yes, and many people didn`t live to see America. They became sick and died. 5 people died before they arrived in America.

-          And they were very pleased when they saw America. They built the town of Plimouth. And they thanked God for their new home.

Сценка. Скуанто и вождь.

S: I’m greeting you, Massasoit, the chief of the Wampanoag tribe.

M: I’m greeting you, Squanto! What’s the news?

S: I’ve come to say that a big boat is approaching our land. I saw it today in the morning from the rock. It has a lot of people.

M: How many?

S: 50

M: Do you think they are enemies or friends? We don’t want to have a war. We don’t want to have blood and death.

S: You are right, Massasoit. But we must be ready for everything. I am going to meet them and find out the purpose of their arrival.

M: Be very careful. I wish you good luck!  (уходят)

Сценка: Прибытие

1 man: Thanks God, we have arrived! We have survived in this cruel trip. Unfortunately, many our friends have died.

1 woman: They died because the food and water on board the ship were very bad, and our Pilgrims had many terrible diseases. But we don’t know what we shall meet here.

2 man: We have to find a safe place for us to live. We need good houses. Let’s see tomorrow where to build our settlement.

1 man: Tomorrow we shall begin cutting trees, but during the first time we shall sleep on the ship.

1 woman: Look! Somebody is coming! And his skin is red!

S: I’m greeting you , pale faced people! My name is Squanto! Why have you arrived here? What do you want?

2 woman: We have come from England. This country is very far from here. There we had many problems and we want to begin a new life here.

1 woman: Many of us died during the trip, some of us are still sick. We have nothing to eat and we have no weapon.

1 man: Winter is coming, but we have no houses and warm clothes. We don’t do any harm. Help us, please!

S:  OK, my people will help you! (уходят)

Сценка. Скуанто обучает пилигримов.

1man: Hello, Squanto! What are you going to do today?

S: I’ll take you to the river and show how to catch fish.

2man: But you promised to take us to the forest and show how to hunt deer and turkeys.

S: Yes, turkeys are very tasty. They live deep in the forest and it is not easy to catch them.

1man: And what about wild plants?

S: You shouldn’t eat them before I tell about each, Some of them are good to eat, some are good for making medicines, but some are very poisonous.

2man: Squanto, what are you wearing around your neck?

S: It’s popcorn.

2man: What?

S: It is special decoration. We wear it around our necks when we dance. But it is also eatable. You may tasty it.

2man:Well, it’s good. How do you do it?

S: You can put corn on hot stones near the fire and in some time you’ll see it hopping about and bursting with a popping noise. Corn turns into white fluffy things. It is tasty. If you like it, I’ll show you how to plant corn.   (уходят)

1-й ведущий: The following spring the Indians taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. They showed them other croups to grow and how to fish and how to hunt the wild turkey, whose meat was very delicious. The Indians helped the colonists to survive through the cold winter. In autumn the harvest was very rich and they thanked God for it.

Молитва.   Oh, thanks God!

                     Dear Lord, on this Thanksgiving Day

                     With grateful hearts we bow and pray

                     For blessing given from our birth

                     Exceeding way beyond our worth

                     For friends who’ve proven to be true;

                     For pets, which count as friendship too.

                     For home and country, health and love

                     All sent to us from Heaven above.

                     Lord, please, continue to be near

                     And guide us through another year.                      

2-й ведущий: People were very thankful and decided to organize a great feast where turkey was the main dish. They invited Indians, who brought deer meat to be roasted with the wild turkeys. The Holiday lasted for three days. For the whole tree days they gave thanks to God and nature for a plentiful harvest and good year.

1-й ведущий: And since that time every fourth Thursday of November, the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. In the USA it is a national holiday.   People go to church to take part in religious ceremonies in the morning. Children don`t go to school .

2-й ведущий: Now we’ll tell you about the Symbols of Thanksgiving. (Презентация)

 P.1    Turkey, corn or maize, pumpkins and cranberry sauce are symbols which represent the first Thanksgiving. Now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards.

 They decorate schools, homes, stores with various symbols, including pictures of pilgrims, Indians, turkeys and harvest symbols. The horn of plenty or cornucopia, wreaths of dried flowers, and dried, multi-colored «Indian corn» are often used as door and table decorations.

  P.2    Cornucopia is the most common symbol of a harvest festival. A Horn shaped container, it is filled with abundance of the Earth's harvest. It is also known as the 'horn of plenty'. The traditional cornucopia was a curved goat's horn filled to brim with fruits and grains. 

  P.3    Pumpkins and 'Pumpkin Pies' are a Thanksgiving favourite for about 400 years.   Pilgrims probably made a pumpkin dish sweetened with honey or syrup.  Pumpkin leaves were also used as salads.   

  P.4     Cranberry, is a symbol of thanksgiving. The cranberry is a small sour berry. It grows in bogs. Originally called crane berry, it got its name from its pink blossoms and drooping head which reminded the pilgrim of a crane. The name was later changed to a Cranberry.  Pilgrims soon found out a way to sweeten the bitten cranberries with maple sugar. Sweet-sour cranberry sauce or cranberry jelly was on the first Thanksgiving table and it is served today. The Indians used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets. They taught the colonists how to cook the berries with the sweetener and water to make a sauce. 

  P.5    The use of corn meant the survival of the colonists. Beans are a special symbol of thanksgiving too. Native Americans  taught the pilgrims to grow beans next to cornstalks.

 P.6   Thanksgiving is a family day. It is a custom for all members of the family to gather at the home of  their parents. Even if they live far away, family members gather together for a reunion at the house of an older relatives.  And for most families the high light of the day is Thanksgiving dinner. Several generations of the family gather for Thanksgiving dinner. All give thanks together for the good things that they have and sing songs. Traditionally this feast features roast turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.  All give thanks together for the good things that they have and sing songs.

Учитель: What else do people do?

Ответ:   Major college and professional football games are televised that day, and this unites men around the television while women are busy in the kitchen..

Of course, people give presents to each other and write congratulation cards.

Учитель: You know, that when people celebrate something, they do not only eat, they like to play as well.

1-й ведущий: There are a lot different games, which are played only on Thanksgiving Day. They play carrot pitching. Each player takes a carrot and  throws it into a basket from a set distance.

Another game is grape-stringing. You need a needle and a thread. The first to fill the thread is the winner.

When they give presents they may ask you to guess what object is here:

This object is not very large, it’s as big as a tennis ball, sometimes a little bigger or a little smaller. It is usually round and quite regular in shape. When you touch it it feels smooth and firm. It is usually cool and smells fresh. You can eat it and it tastes sweet and sour. It can be red, yellow or green. What is it?

Учитель: Now let’s have a competition. Let’s form two teams and play these games .

Учитель:  Now ask each other questions on this holiday.(Which team will ask more questions?).   

Now I want you to look through the statements concerning this day and decide if they are true or false. ( Приложение 1).

Учитель: And two questions more:

  1. Is there any connection between the  inner climate of the family and the number of family traditions?
  2. Do you prefer to celebrate holidays with your family or with others?

Учитель: Do you know any proverbs or sayings about family and traditions?

Учитель: I imagine the situation: you are at a Thanksgiving table. What would you express thanks for?

Возможные варианты ответов учащихся:

- I thank my friend because she understands me.

- I am thankful for being given a chance to meet so many  good people.

- I thank my mother because she supports me in difficult situations.



      We have known a lot about such American tradition, as Thanksgiving Day, and let`s say thank you to each other for taking part in our party.

Песня.            Thanksgiving Day we celebrate

                           And our holiday is very-very great.

                           We give you thanks for everything

                           For English lessons, information and for dreams!

                           We just want to say

                           We love you.

                           We just want to say

                           How much we care

                           We just want to say

                           We love you

                           And we need it

                           From the bottom of the hearts!


















                                                                                                           Приложение 1




Read the statements below and decide whether they are true or false



1. The American Thanksgiving Day appeared first ap­proximately four centuries ago.

2. As a holiday, Thanksgiving Day was born in the first American colonies.

3. More than one hundred sailors crossed the Atlantic Ocean to reach the New World in 1620.

4. The people of the boat wanted to visit the state of Massachusetts.

5. The sailors had quite enough fresh food for all the people to avoid all the difficulties of the first winter there.

6. The problems with fresh food in winter were great there however and half the colony, died.

7. The sailors could not do without food anymore and they asked the Native Americans to help them to grow corn at least.

8. The Native Americans showed the sailors how to grow corn, how to hunt and how to fish.

9. Only in the autumn of the XVIII century bountiful crops of corn, beans and pumpkins were picked up.

10. Local Indians were invited to a Thanksgiving dinner for their help.

11. All the Indians started to celebrate the autumn crops with a holiday of thanks.

12. The Indians wanted the USA to become an independ­ent country as soon as possible.

13. Only the US Congress introduced one day of thanks­giving for the whole nation to celebrate.

14. Thanksgiving Day is observed in the USA now every fourth Sunday of November.

15. Thanksgiving Day is observed, in the USA now every fourth Thursday of November.






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